How to Write Pseudo-Original SEO Articles?

Publish: 2017-02-17 | Modify: 2017-02-17

Three Methods of Pseudo-original Articles

Pseudo-original Articles

Method 1: Minor Modifications

Minor modifications refer to making small changes and conducting minor pseudo-originality. This method is mainly used for internal articles to be posted as external links, reprinted news from larger sites, or transferring articles from high-weight sites to low-weight sites.

Common minor modifications include:

  1. Modifying the article title.
  2. Changing other people's keywords to your own keywords.
  3. Replacing other people's advertisements with your own advertisements.
  4. Replacing words with synonyms.

Method 2: Moderate Modifications

Moderate modifications refer to making significant changes. In fact, when we talk about pseudo-originality, we usually refer to moderate modifications. Moderate pseudo-originality is the most common method used by most websites to obtain information from other websites and then modify it before publishing. This method ensures good Baidu indexing, user experience, and saves time for webmasters.

Common moderate modifications include:

  1. Paragraph rearrangement: Changing the order of paragraphs without affecting the original meaning of the article.
  2. Content replacement: Replacing words or phrases with synonyms and rephrasing sentences in your own words.
  3. Patchwork method: Extracting a few sentences from dozens of articles that have a central theme, reassembling them into a new article, and filling in any missing parts from each article. This creates a completely new and high-quality pseudo-original article.
  4. Content addition or deletion: Lengthening or shortening the article without changing the original meaning, or lengthening or shortening sentences to make significant changes to the content.
  5. Original introduction and title replacement: The first paragraph of an article is crucial for search engines to determine whether to crawl the entire article. Therefore, it is important to have original content in the introduction. If search engines find that the content after the last paragraph is exactly the same, they will also distrust the article. Therefore, having an original ending is also important. Rewriting subheadings in the article is also important.
  6. Adding images: Many articles are well-written but lack images, which can make the article appear monotonous. Adding relevant images to the article can greatly enhance the user experience. Search engines also favor articles that combine text and images. Therefore, adding images to the pseudo-original article, along with proper ALT attributes, can significantly improve the search engine and user experience of the website.

Method 3: Major Modifications

This method involves reading an article and completely rewriting it in your own words based on your understanding. Many SEO experts have found that although the content on some websites is similar, it is not exactly the same. They concluded that these individuals read the previous article and then rewrote it based on their understanding.

Of course, this type of pseudo-originality cannot be considered as copying, as all the content has been completely reorganized and is essentially a new original article. This type of pseudo-originality cannot be accused of plagiarism, as although the meaning may be the same, the content is completely different.
