Get a Free .XYZ Top-Level Domain Name from China's Wanwang

Publish: 2015-02-02 | Modify: 2017-08-07

Recently, Wanwang offered 2014 free .top top-level domain names, followed by free virtual hosting for 3 years. This time, there is also a chance to register .XYZ top-level domain names for free by forwarding Weibo, but there are only 500 quotas per day, so hurry up, guys.


Activity Rules:

  1. Activity time: February 2nd - February 6th, 2015.
  2. During the activity, all registered users of Wanwang can enjoy a low price of 12 yuan for the first year of .xyz domain name registration.
  3. Member users (channel users are not eligible) can receive a 12 yuan voucher for successful forwarding of Weibo on the activity page, which means they can register .xyz for free.
  4. There are only 500 free registration quotas per day, first come first served. Each user can only obtain one free registration opportunity.
  5. The voucher is valid for 15 days from the date of receipt and will be invalid after expiration.


Activity link: .XYZ Free Registration Opportunity
