Namecheap Domain Utilizes CloudXNS Intelligent Resolution

Publish: 2016-02-01 | Modify: 2017-06-21

NameCheap is a foreign domain registrar that offers affordable domain registration and transfer prices. It is loved by many friends. If your domain is registered with Namecheap, it will use Namecheap's free DNS resolution service by default. However, your users are mainly in China, so there may be issues with the default DNS, such as instability or slow resolution. Therefore, it is recommended to use a reliable DNS service in China, such as the powerful CloudXNS intelligent resolution.

一、Adding Domain

If you haven't registered with CloudXNS, please refer to the article Free Intelligent DNS Resolution with CloudXNS and register first. Then add the domain registered with Namecheap in the CloudXNS backend. Refer to Image 1-1 (click to enlarge).

Image 1-1

Image 1-1 Adding Domain

After adding the domain, CloudXNS will prompt that the domain is not taken over. Record the DNS servers provided by CloudXNS, which are: A total of 4 sets of DNS are provided. Refer to Image 1-2 (click to enlarge).

Image 1-2

Image 1-2 Recording DNS Servers

二、Modifying DNS

After successfully adding the domain, we need to modify the default DNS in the Namecheap backend to the DNS provided by CloudXNS. Go to Domain List -> Products -> Manage to enter the domain control panel. Refer to Image 2-1 (click to enlarge).

Image 2-1

Image 2-1 Managing Domain

Then go to NAMESERVERS -> Select Custom -> Enter the 4 sets of DNS provided by CloudXNS -> Save. Refer to Image 2-2 (click to enlarge).

Image 2-2

Image 2-2 Modifying DNS

三、Waiting for Effect

After modifying the DNS, it may take up to 48 hours for the changes to take effect due to varying DNS cache times in different locations. However, it usually doesn't take that long, and it should take effect in about 10 minutes. After the changes take effect, you can see in CloudXNS that the domain is in a normal takeover state, and you can use CloudXNS for domain resolution. Refer to Image 3-1.

Image 3-1

Image 3-1 Takeover Successful


If you use DNSPOD, Alibaba Cloud DNS resolution, or other similar services, the method is similar. First, add the domain at the DNS provider, and then modify the DNS in the Namecheap backend. The above content is for reference. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or add the blogger's QQ.
