Chat about the enterprise email service provided by Zoho Mail Lite

Publish: 2022-08-12 | Modify: 2022-08-12

Zoho offers a variety of products for enterprise users. As a personal website owner, most of their products are not relevant to me, but their enterprise email service is essential. I have been using Zoho's enterprise email service for several years and have purchased their Lite package, which is reasonably priced at $12/year/user.

Zoho Mail Pricing

This article is not about applying for, configuring, or using Zoho Mail. It is simply my personal experience using it.


Zoho Mail can be obtained for free, and the entry-level paid package (Lite) costs $1/month/user (note: only one email user), which is $12/year. The screenshot below shows Zoho Mail's pricing.

The Best Feature: Email Aliases

One great feature of Zoho Mail is email aliases. With the lowest package, you can have unlimited email aliases. For example, if you have purchased Zoho Mail Lite and your user email is [email protected], you can add unlimited aliases such as [email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected].

Similar Products

Many domestic companies in China also provide enterprise email services, such as NetEase, Tencent, and recently, Feishu.


There are many free enterprise email services available on the market, both paid and free versions have limitations, and Zoho Mail is no exception. For example, in terms of the number of emails sent, sending a large number of emails in a short period of time is not allowed, although some providers do not disclose this information.

The screenshot below shows the email sending limits published by Feishu.

Feishu Email Sending Limits

Recently, I recommended Zoho Mail Lite to a client whose website sends about 100-200 emails per day. Unfortunately, they are frequently restricted because the email frequency exceeds the limit. Once the limit is exceeded, the account is locked and will not be automatically unlocked. It needs to be manually unlocked by clicking a link in the backend. Users of Zoho Mail should be aware of this.

Therefore, Zoho Mail Lite is not suitable for sending a large volume of emails. If you need to send a large number of emails, you may need to purchase specialized bulk email sending services such as Sendcloud or Mailgun, or consider building your own solution, although this may not be cost-effective.

Building Your Own Email Sending Service

There are many options for building your own email service, such as iRedMail, Poste, mailcow, and other programs. However, I have only used Poste and mailcow so far. I will discuss building your own email server in more detail in the future.
