【SEO Backlinks】How to Generate High-Quality Backlinks?

Publish: 2016-12-21 | Modify: 2016-12-21

How to create high-quality external links? Nowadays, SEO experts know that the era of "external links are king, content is queen" is over. Simply creating external links will not improve rankings. With the upgrading and improvement of search engine algorithms, it is almost impossible to exploit loopholes in the rules. However, does this mean that external links are useless? Of course not! External links are still important. If you only focus on quantity and ignore quality, I can tell you directly that it won't work. So, how can you create high-quality external links?

When I create external links, I generally divide them into two categories:

  1. External links for the sake of external links, where the linked articles lack readability and are only for the purpose of increasing the number of indexed pages.

  2. External links that aim to rank well, where the articles have informative content that guides users through your external promotion information, leading them to your website. When copying an article for external links, you need to create an attractive layout to capture users' attention, such as the title and formatting. Compared to the first type of external links, this type requires more planning in organizing the content of the external promotion article.

As for choosing external link platforms, SEO experts have their own preferences, such as blogs, forums, bookmarks, etc. I have hundreds of bookmarked forums, but very few are suitable for creating external links. Ironically, some forums that are suitable for external links do not allow hyperlinks. However, this should not discourage you; these forums can generate more value than spammy external link forums. Those who have used Baidu Webmaster Tools know that it has an external link analysis feature that counts both hyperlinks and text links. Instead of focusing solely on hyperlinks, it is important to ensure the diversity and quality of external links.

Here's a tip: larger websites usually have their own company news articles, which are actually very suitable for creating external links.

The difference between high-quality external links and ordinary ones is that those who create ordinary external links never consider how the links can increase their website traffic or whether users will read them. They only care about whether the external links are successfully published. On the other hand, creators of high-quality external links do not focus solely on hyperlinks or whether search engine spiders will crawl those links. They consider whether users will read the content presented in the articles and whether it can increase website traffic.

I am Dongming, the SEO mentor for the Small Z Blog's SEO section. My WeChat ID is wx5785370, and the SEO exchange group is 68973910.
