VeryCloud Cloud Distribution (CDN) Supports HTTPS, Free 50GB Traffic

Publish: 2016-06-17 | Modify: 2017-06-21

VeryCloud has always been relatively low-key, and perhaps you have never heard of its name. VeryCloud is a professional service provider in the field of Internet data, established in December 2006. VeryCloud's cloud distribution, which is the CDN service, offers 50GB of free traffic per month and supports more secure HTTPS.

Currently, there are not many CDN service providers that support HTTPS. Baidu Cloud Acceleration and 360 Protection Free Edition are also unstable and do not support HTTPS. However, VeryCloud's cloud distribution not only supports HTTPS but also offers 50GB of free traffic per month. It is easy to use and does not have too many fancy features.

To use VeryCloud's cloud distribution, the domain name needs to be filed. If the domain name is not filed, you can consider using CloudFlare from abroad. Also, if your website has not yet used HTTPS, you can refer to the articles "Free SSL Certificate Application by Wo Tong" or "CentOS Application for Let's Encrypt Free SSL Certificate" for application.

My other website, "", has been using VeryCloud's cloud distribution for about half a month. It is quite good among free CDNs. However, according to the test results from Super Ping Tool, it seems that VeryCloud does not have overseas nodes. If the website is attacked and consumes a large amount of traffic, direct origin retrieval may occur.


Currently, there are Baidu Cloud Acceleration and 360 Protection as free CDNs in China. However, the free versions do not support HTTPS, and the nodes are not very stable. Therefore, they are not particularly recommended. However, UPYUN and Qiniu Cloud already support full-site CDN and HTTPS (UPYUN can be self-deployed, and Qiniu Cloud needs to be reviewed). Instead, I recommend these two because they have better stability. Although VeryCloud is relatively niche, it is still acceptable for now. I don't know if there will be insufficient stability when the number of users increases in the future. I hope it can continue to maintain and those who like to tinker can give it a try.

Link: VeryCloud Cloud Distribution
