How to Install Zdir Directory Listing Program on QNAP Using Docker

Publish: 2020-06-21 | Modify: 2020-06-21

Zdir is a directory listing program developed using PHP. It does not require a database, is easy to install, and user-friendly. It also supports Docker deployment.


Installing Docker on QNAP NAS

If you haven't installed Docker on your QNAP NAS, please refer to the previous article "Installing Docker Containers and Setting Docker Image Sources on QNAP NAS".

Creating a Container

Open the Container Station suite (Docker) on QTS, click on the create button, and search for Zdir. Find the Docker image provided by xiaoz and install it. Note: Make sure to use the Docker image provided by xiaoz, as it supports the latest version of Zdir.

Create Container

Select the "latest" version and proceed.

Version Selection

Since it is not an official Docker image, there will be a warning message. Click on "I Understand" and confirm.


Creating the Container

Next, you will see the steps to create the container. Fill in the following information:

Container Information

  • Name: zdir (or you can define your own name)
  • Command: /usr/sbin/
  • Set CPU and memory according to your own situation

Network Settings

Open Advanced Settings - Network and configure it as shown in the following image.

Network Settings

  • The host's 1080 port is the access port, you can set your own access port as needed.
  • The container port must be 80.
  • Select TCP as the communication protocol.

Shared Folders

Open Advanced Settings - Shared Folders - Mount Shared Folders on This Host - Add New.

Shared Folders

  • Local Shared Folder: Select a folder on your NAS, Zdir will read the files from this folder.
  • Mount Path: Fill in /data/wwwroot/default, make sure to use /data/wwwroot/default and do not change it.

After completing the network and shared folder settings, click on "Create".

Access Testing

Wait for about 1 minute (depending on your network), then access http://NASIP:1080 to open Zdir, as shown in the following image.

Access Test

Note: The default username is zdir and the password is You can modify them in the config.php file.

Getting the Donor Version

Scan the QR code below. Donations of more than 30 CNY will receive the donor version, which includes first-time technical support and ad removal. After donating, please contact me on QQ:337003006 to get the donor version.

Donation QR Code

Final Notes

For more usage instructions, please refer to the Zdir documentation: Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.
