An Open Source, Stylish Terminal - Terminus, Supports Windows and MacOS

Publish: 2019-03-25 | Modify: 2019-03-25

Before this article, the blog has shared terminals such as cmder and MobaXterm, which are already mature and easy to use. If you are more concerned about the interface and aesthetics, you can also try terminus.

Main Features

  • Themes and color schemes
  • Fully configurable shortcuts
  • Split panes
  • Remember your labels
  • PowerShell (and PS Core), WSL, Git-Bash, Cygwin, Cmder, and CMD support
  • Integrated SSH client and connection manager
  • Full Unicode support, including double-width characters
  • Does not hinder fast-flowing output
  • Proper shell experience on Windows, including tab completion (via Clink)

terminus is free and open-source, and it supports multiple operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Among the terminals I have used, terminus is the most beautiful, but terminus is still in the Alpha version, so there may be some inevitable small bugs.
