Installing SNI Proxy on CentOS 7 for Reverse Proxying HTTPS Sites

Publish: 2020-07-22 | Modify: 2022-02-26


One of the most common tools for reverse proxy is Nginx. If you want to use Nginx as a reverse proxy for an HTTPS site and access it through HTTPS, you need to configure SSL certificates on Nginx. However, SNI Proxy can solve this problem. With SNI Proxy, you don't need to deploy SSL certificates on the reverse proxy server to access HTTPS sites.


Let's say one day you want to access, but you find that you can't open it due to certain reasons. You start thinking if there is a way to access without changing the domain name. This is where SNI Proxy comes in.

To help you understand better, I have created a simple diagram:

SNI Proxy Diagram

Installing SNI Proxy

First, install the required dependencies:

yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake curl gettext-devel libev-devel pcre-devel perl pkgconfig rpm-build udns-devel

Next, download and unzip the source code from Navigate to the SNI Proxy directory and run the following commands to compile:

./ && ./configure && make dist

If the installation process completes without any errors, you can check the version by running the command sniproxy -V.

SNI Proxy Version

Creating the Configuration File and Starting SNI Proxy

The default configuration file for SNI Proxy is located at /etc/sniproxy.conf. You can refer to the following example for its contents:

user daemon

pidfile /tmp/

error_log {
    syslog daemon
    priority notice

listener {
    protocol tls
    table TableName

    # Specify a server to use if the initial client request doesn't contain
    # a hostname

table TableName {
    # Match exact request hostnames
    # If port is not specified, the listener port will be used [2001:DB8::1:10]
    # Use regular expressions to match
    .*\\.com    [2001:DB8::1:11]:443
    # Combine regular expression and wildcard to resolve the requested hostname
    .*\\.edu    *:443

Finally, start SNI Proxy by running the command sniproxy. You can use ps -ef|grep 'sniproxy' to check if the process is running. Note: You also need to allow the listening port in the firewall.

SNI Proxy Start

Testing Access

You can modify the hosts file to point the domain name to the SNI Proxy server for testing if you can access it.


SNI Proxy has the advantage of simpler configuration compared to Nginx reverse proxy. You don't need to deploy SSL certificates on the SNI Proxy server, and the traffic is forwarded to the destination server based on the HOST field in the HTTP header. However, the suitability of SNI Proxy for high concurrency scenarios and its performance under heavy loads may vary. Additionally, combining SNI Proxy with a self-built DNS can be very effective.

SNI Proxy project:
