Let's talk about Xiaomi 10s.

Publish: 2021-06-12 | Modify: 2021-06-12

My Xiaomi 9 SE has been in service for over two years. Last month, I flashed the European version of MIUI 12.5. Although the system became much cleaner, there are still noticeable lags. Luckily, during the 618 event, I bought the Xiaomi 10s from X brand and I want to talk about my user experience.


About the Specifications

The 10s comes in three colors: black, white, and blue. There are three versions available:

  • 8 + 128GB
  • 8 + 256GB
  • 12 + 256GB


Here are some of the specifications:


For more detailed specifications, you can search online.

Why Choose Xiaomi 10s

During the purchase process, I considered the iPhone 12, but when I looked at the price and specifications, I decided to stick with Android. I also excluded the Xiaomi 11 due to the high heat generation of the Snapdragon 888. Before buying, I went to the Xiaomi store and tried out a few phones. I was particularly interested in the following three models:

  • Redmi K40 (excellent cost performance): link
  • Xiaomi 11 Lite (lightweight with good feel): link
  • Xiaomi 10s (well-balanced in all aspects): link

I didn't choose the Redmi K40 because I felt that the workmanship and quality control of Redmi were slightly inferior to Xiaomi (personal opinion, may not be accurate). I didn't choose the 11 Lite because the CPU was slightly weaker and the standby time was relatively shorter. However, it had a really good feel, which I think is suitable for female users. Finally, I chose the Xiaomi 10s.

About the Price

I bought the white version of the 8 + 256GB Xiaomi 10s from X brand. After using various coupons, the final price was 2958 yuan, which may not be the cheapest. It is said that there are 10% off coupons available in the Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou areas, which can make it even cheaper.

  • Xiaomi 10s purchase link: link

About the Feel

The Xiaomi 10s is quite thick and has a large screen. I don't know why Android phones are getting bigger and bigger screens. Personally, I don't like this kind of large screen, but there are very few options for small screen phones. The feel of the Xiaomi 10s is not that good, at least compared to my previous Xiaomi 9 SE, the feel is much worse.

About Common Issues

Due to the curved screen of the Xiaomi 10s, there is a slight greenish color when viewed from the front. This seems to be a common issue with the 10s, as many forum posts mention it.

About the System

MIUI, also known as ADUI, is not just a name. I have experienced a lot of ads. When I first turned on the phone, it came bundled with more than ten third-party apps. When I contacted customer service, they told me it was normal. I thought I had bought a second-hand phone, so I reset the system, but the third-party apps were still pre-installed. I checked the pre-installed app information and indeed found third-party apps. Here are some screenshots:


Although these third-party apps can be uninstalled, the experience is still not good. I guess the price of the phone is too low, so they make up for it with advertising fees and pre-installed third-party apps. The more recent versions of MIUI have even more pre-installed third-party apps, which is really getting worse.

Pros and Cons

Let's start with the cons:

  • The phone is thick and heavy, and the large screen doesn't have a good feel.
  • Slight greenish color on the sides of the screen (does not affect actual use).
  • Many system ads and a bunch of pre-installed third-party apps.

Now, let's talk about the pros:

  • Large battery capacity, satisfactory standby time.
  • Supports wireless charging (but requires purchasing a wireless charger separately).
  • Smooth performance (I'm not an audio player, so I don't notice it much).
  • High cost performance (bought it during the 618 event, the price is reasonable).


If you want peace of mind and have a sufficient budget without any hassle, go for an iPhone. If you want cost performance, can tolerate the drawbacks of MIUI, and urgently need to change your phone, you can consider the Xiaomi 10s during the 618 event. Of course, everyone has different needs, so I suggest doing more research and comparisons before buying. If possible, it's best to experience it offline. In conclusion, there is no perfect phone in the world, just find the one that suits you.
