Google's AI program Bard now supports Chinese conversations, with average user experience.

Publish: 2023-07-14 | Modify: 2023-07-14

Bard is a generative AI chatbot developed by Google, based on the PaLM2 language model. It was developed in response to the rise of ChatGPT chatbot developed by OpenAI and was initially launched with limited capacity in March 2023, expanding to 180 countries in May 2023.


Recently, I discovered in Google Bard's update log that it now supports more languages, including Simplified Chinese. For the specific update log, please visit:

About Google Bard

Here is a self-introduction of Google Bard, generated by Bard itself:

"I am Bard, a large language model, also known as a conversational AI or chatbot. Trained on a large amount of text data, I can engage in conversations and generate human-like text on various prompts and questions. For example, I can provide summaries on factual topics or create stories.

I am still under development, but I have already learned to perform many types of tasks, including:

  • I will do my best to fulfill your requests and instructions.
  • I will answer your questions with comprehensive and informative text, even if they are open-ended, challenging, or peculiar.
  • I can generate creative text in various formats such as poetry, code, scripts, music compositions, emails, letters, etc. I will strive to meet all your requirements."

Using Google Bard

The supported regions for Google Bard are not yet clear, but it is confirmed to be available in the United States. Xiaoz has tested it using the US server and recommends using the US server for testing.

Google Bard official website:

User Experience

Xiaoz has briefly used Google Bard and found that it is still not as advanced as ChatGPT and Claude. Some observations include:

  • When communicating with Google Bard in Chinese, there are instances where it cannot correctly understand your descriptions.
  • The results from Google Bard are not streamed in real-time; instead, they are returned all at once after processing.

Keep up the good work, Google!
