iFLYTEK's AI iFLYTEK Starfire is now available for application.

Publish: 2023-05-06 | Modify: 2023-05-06

Recently, the blogger learned that Xunfei Xinghuo, an AI product under iFlytek, has launched an experience application, and I have successfully obtained the qualification for the experience. If you are interested, you can also apply for the experience.


Apply for Xunfei Xinghuo

Application address: https://xinghuo.xfyun.cn/

Open the page and click "Apply for Registration".


If you do not have a Xunfei account, you need to register. If you already have a Xunfei account, you can log in directly.


After registering and logging in, you will be redirected to a questionnaire page: https://xinghuo.xfyun.cn/questionnaire. Fill in your name, mobile phone number, company, position, and other information according to the actual situation, and then submit the application.


After submission, wait for Xunfei's review. The blogger's application was approved within a few minutes (you will receive a text message after approval).


Experience Xunfei Xinghuo

When the blogger asked Xinghuo questions, it responded very quickly and had no problem writing code.


The output results can also be read out in voice, which is fluent and natural. However, if you close the page and reopen it, the read button will disappear.


The blogger has not used it extensively and has not compared it with other AIs (ChatGPT), so it is not clear how big the gap is. I hope that domestic AI will continue to make efforts to catch up with competitors.

Press Conference

On May 6th at 14:00, Xunfei Xinghuo will have a press conference. If you are interested, you can watch the live broadcast.

Xunfei Xinghuo experience address: https://xinghuo.xfyun.cn/

This article is reproduced from: https://blog.aiservices.tech/76.html
