Considerations for Changing the Domain of BookStackApp

Publish: 2023-02-15 | Modify: 2023-02-15

Before, the document system of the BookStackApp used by the Cangjingge website,, was built on the BookStackApp program. Unfortunately, recently, was stopped resolving by Aliyun, so we had to urgently change the address of the Cangjingge website to Let's record the process of changing the domain name for BookStackApp.


Changing the BookStackApp Domain Name

First, you need to modify the .env file in the site directory and change the APP_URL parameter to the new domain name.

Next, you also need to modify the data to replace the image address with the new domain name. Execute the following SQL statements:

Update pages SET html= REPLACE(html, '', '');
Update pages SET text= REPLACE(text, '', '');
Update books SET description= REPLACE(description, '', '');

In the above SQL statements, is the old domain name, and is the new domain name. Please modify it according to your own situation.

Finally, if your PHP component uses opcache, you need to restart php-fpm.

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