Deploying OneNav Bookmark Manager with Docker

Publish: 2021-03-23 | Modify: 2021-03-23

OneNav is a navigation/bookmark manager developed using PHP + SQLite 3. It supports Material Design style and comes with 2 built-in templates. The interface is clean and user-friendly. It now supports Docker deployment, and the method is as follows.

OneNav Docker Deployment

Key Features

  • Supports backend management
  • Supports private links
  • Supports multiple theme styles (2 built-in templates by default)
  • Supports automatic recognition of link information
  • Supports API
  • Supports right-click menu management

Docker Deployment

docker run -itd --name="onenav" -p 80:80 \
    -e USER='xiaoz' -e PASSWORD='' \
    -v /data/onenav:/data/wwwroot/default/data \
  • USER: Set the username, in the above example it is set to xiaoz
  • PASSWORD: Set the password, in the above example it is set to
  • /data/onenav: Local mount directory used for persistent storage of OneNav data

