GreenCloud VPS IPV6 Configuration Method, Theoretically Compatible with SolusVM Panel

Publish: 2023-12-15 | Modify: 2023-12-15

GreenCloud VPS is a foreign hosting service provider, often referred to as Green Hat Cloud by netizens. Their data centers are located in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, the United States, Europe, and other regions. They offer both storage-based and SSD VPS options, using KVM virtualization. They have a wide range of types to choose from, and offer great value for money.


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Configuring IPV6 on GreenCloud VPS

GreenCloud VPS machines should support IPV6 across their entire range. However, currently newly provisioned machines only come with IPV4 by default. If you want to add IPV6, you need to do it manually in the "SolusVM Control Panel".

After logging into the SolusVM management panel, find your machine and click on "Manage - Network - Manage", as shown in the following image.


Once inside, there is a "Add IP" function where you can input the IPV6 suffix. The format should be like :8 or :a (note the : at the beginning!).


You can add multiple suffixes, but it seems that only the first one at the top is effective. After adding the suffixes, go back to the management panel and click the "Reconfigure Networking" button to reset the network automatically (note: the machine will restart).



After the machine has restarted, you can use the ip a command to see the IPV6 address that was just added.


You can use the following command to check if you can access the IPV6 network:

# Get outbound IPV6 address
# Or
curl -6

If both of the above commands fail, it means that your network may not support IPV6. If the commands are successful, you can continue to test with ITDOG's IPV6 Ping tool: If the network Ping test is successful, then there is no problem.



  • GreenCloud VPS only provides IPV4 addresses by default. IPV6 needs to be added manually in the SolusVM panel.
  • The SolusVM panel allows you to add multiple IPV6 addresses, but only the first one at the top seems to be effective.
  • After adding IPV6, you need to click "Reconfigure Networking" to reset the network.
  • Use the command curl to get the machine's outbound IPV6 address.
  • Use "ITDOG IPV6 Ping" to test the IPV6 network connectivity.

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