Goodbye 2018, Welcoming the New Year

Publish: 2019-01-10 | Modify: 2019-01-10

Over the past few years, time has flown by. Before I knew it, 2018 came to an end. During this time, I set some small goals, some of which I achieved and some I did not. In summary, my 2018 can be described as "a mix of joys and sorrows, gains and losses, and efforts and rewards."


I have been working at XYZ for almost 4 years since July 2015. I have met many friends and received great help in my work. From being a novice to a rookie, I have learned a lot of new knowledge. I would like to express my gratitude for that.

Working for a standard 8 hours a day may not be long, but it can still bring fatigue and discomfort. Especially when dealing with unreasonable clients, I can feel tired and impatient. The passion and patience I had in the beginning are slowly fading away, perhaps a bad omen.


  1. Driven by interest, I worked on several open-source projects in 2018. It was probably the year when I wrote the most code, with most of my spare time spent on PHP. Although I worked on several small PHP projects, they were mostly personal developments. Many parts were not perfect or standardized, and my progress was slow. My knowledge only scratched the surface and did not go deep.
  2. I enrolled in a driving school in the first half of the year, but due to some delays and my own laziness, I am still stuck at the second stage.


In 2018, I accomplished two major events in my life:

  1. After a 3-year, 6-month, and 17-day journey, October 8, 2018 became a memorable day when she officially became my wife. We both know how difficult it was to get to this point, and I am grateful for her companionship. I also feel incredibly lucky.
  2. As a child from a rural area, it is becoming increasingly difficult to settle down in the city just by relying on my own efforts. I am confused and lost by the incomprehensible housing prices and economic situation. Fortunately, with the help of my parents, relatives, and friends, I ultimately chose to start a new life in Chengdu. However, this also means I have accumulated some debts. I hope that the future will gradually improve.

Plans for 2019

  1. Care more about my family.
  2. Strengthen physical exercise.
  3. Maintain my existing open-source projects (ImgURL, Zdir, IPinfo, CCAA).
  4. Deepen my knowledge of PHP and learn an additional programming language (such as Python).
  5. Obtain a driver's license in the first half of the year.
  6. Read at least 5 books (not limited to technical ones).
  7. Learn English.

Final Thoughts

I sincerely thank my family, friends, and colleagues for their help and care. I hope that everyone will have a prosperous and successful 2019, with happiness in their careers and families.
