Recording the Experience and Solutions of Failed aaPanel Installation Environment

Publish: 2023-05-24 | Modify: 2023-05-24

Recently, I installed aaPanel (the international version of the Baota panel) on a foreign server running Debian 11. After installing the panel, I proceeded to install the LNMP environment. A few minutes later, aaPanel prompted that the LNMP environment was successfully installed. However, when I tried to create a website, it showed that the environment was not installed.


I attempted to install different versions of PHP, Nginx, and MySQL from the aaPanel app store multiple times. Unfortunately, despite the successful installation prompt, the installation was not actually successful. I checked the /www/server/php directory and found that it was empty.

I started to suspect that it was a server disk issue.

  1. I checked the server disk usage with the command df -h, and it appeared to be normal.

    disk usage

  2. I wondered if the inode nodes were full. I checked the inode usage with the command df -i, and it was also normal.

    inode usage

  3. Could the disk be read-only? I tried creating a file in the / directory, but there was no error prompt, so it didn't seem to be the issue.

    Therefore, I attempted a forceful and universal solution by restarting the server, but the problem remained unresolved.

Fixing the Baota panel

I entered the command bt and chose option 16 to try updating and repairing the aaPanel panel.

update and repair

After the update, I also entered 22 to view the aaPanel error log:

error log

The log indicated the following error:

[2023-05-24 10:35:35][DEBUG] - Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "class/", line 5965, in rsa_decrypt
    decrypted_data = cipher_private.decrypt(res, None)
  File "/www/server/panel/pyenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 165, in decrypt
    raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length.")
ValueError: Ciphertext with incorrect length.

I consulted the AI tool ChatGPT, which told me the reason for the "ciphertext with incorrect length" error, but I didn't understand it. I directly asked for a solution, and one of the methods suggested checking if the required encryption library (such as pycryptodome) is installed in your Python environment. You can install the library with the following command:

sudo apt install python3-pycryptodome

By fixing the Baota panel and troubleshooting based on the error log, I installed python3-pycryptodome, and the problem was resolved. Now I can install software from the aaPanel app store without any issues.


If you encounter the issue of unsuccessful installation of applications in aaPanel/Baota panel without direct error messages, you can try the following methods to troubleshoot and fix it:

  1. Check if the disk is full using df -h.
  2. Check if the inode nodes are full using df -i.
  3. Check if the disk is read-only.
  4. Try using the Baota command (bt) and enter 16 to repair the panel.
  5. Try using the Baota command (bt) and enter 22 to view the error log, then find a solution based on the error log.
