One-click Installation of Seafile on CentOS 7 to Build Private Cloud Storage

Publish: 2017-06-12 | Modify: 2017-06-12

Seafile is an open source enterprise cloud disk, similar to Owncloud. Personally, I feel that Seafile is more stable and easy to set up. To facilitate this, xiaoz has written a one-click script to quickly set up your own private cloud.

Environment Requirements:

  • CentOS 7 64-bit
  • Python >= 2.7
  • SqLite 3

Installation Steps:

Copy the following commands and enter them in order. If everything goes well, you will see the screenshots below. Follow the instructions in the screenshots.

yum -y install wget
chmod +x && ./

Enter number 1 to start the installation.

Installation Step 1

Press Enter when you see this message.

Installation Step 2

Enter the service name (e.g. mycloud).

Installation Step 3

Enter the public IP address of the server.

Installation Step 4

Press Enter four times.

Installation Step 5

Set the administrator email and password (the password will not be displayed, just press Enter after entering the password).

When you see the following interface, the installation is complete. Enter http//:IP:8000 to access the Seafile server. If you understand Chinese, the following operations should not be a problem. Seafile also provides clients for multiple platforms (see the end of the article).

Installation Complete


Other Information:

Installation directory and services are as follows. If you need to configure more features or extensions, please visit the official documentation: Seafile Help Documentation

Installation Directory:

Start Services:
/home/MyCloud/seafile-server/ start
/home/MyCloud/seafile-server/ start

Stop Services:
/home/MyCloud/seafile-server/ stop
/home/MyCloud/seafile-server/ stop


Seafile supports clients for all platforms and is very suitable for private cloud solutions. One VPS is enough to handle everything. I have also shared a one-click script for installing Resilio Sync in the article "CentOS One-Click Install Resilio Sync Script". If you are interested, you can give it a try.

Script Source Code: CentOS 7 One-Click Install Seafile Seafile Client Download: Seafile Client
