WiseTDIFw64.sys Causes Windows 10 to Continuously Blue Screen and Restart

Publish: 2016-05-06 | Modify: 2016-05-06

Recently, I installed a traffic monitoring software called Wise System Monitor. However, a tragedy happened and my Windows 10 kept blue screening and restarting. The blue screen information is as follows:


Then, I used Microsoft Windbg to view the dmp log and found the following error:


I also found a file named WiseTDIFw64.sys in C:\Windows, and the creation date of this file perfectly matches the installation date of Wise System Monitor. So, I uninstalled Wise System Monitor, but the blue screen and restart issue still persisted because this file, WiseTDIFw64.sys, was still running. When I tried to delete it, it gave me a message saying it was being used. In the end, I had to use a powerful tool called Huorong Sword (an advanced tool of Huorong antivirus) to disable, clear the registry, and delete WiseTDIFw64.sys under the Startup Items -> Drivers. Finally, the issue was resolved.

By analyzing it with Huorong Sword, I found that this file is from the website www.wisecleaner.com. However, this website is not the official website of Wise System Monitor. I am not sure what this website is for, and I am not sure if this file is incompatible with the system or if it is a rogue program. If you encounter a similar error, you may refer to this information.
