[Not Recommended] HostHatch VPS Los Angeles Data Center, KVM Virtualization, Large Storage (with Review)

Publish: 2018-11-30 | Modify: 2019-06-10

HostHatch was founded in 2011 and primarily provides VPS services. During the Black Friday sale, I purchased a HostHatch KVM large storage machine. It took a whole week for the machine to be activated, and as soon as I received it, I conducted a review.

Review Configuration

  • Package Name: BF Storage 750 - LAX
  • CPU: 1 core
  • RAM: 0.7GB
  • Storage: 750GB HDD
  • Bandwidth: 2TB/month
  • Price: $35/year
  • Currently in stock: No

I/O Test

The bench.sh script showed an average I/O speed of 668.3 MB/s. Although it is an HDD, this I/O speed is sufficient to outperform many SSD VPSs.

Download Speed

The maximum download speed reached 176MB/s. I suspect that the host server has a 2Gbps bandwidth, so the overall bandwidth is very sufficient. However, I'm not sure if long-term bandwidth usage will be restricted.

Ping Test

I couldn't determine the data center based on the IP provided by the official website, but I do know that it is located in Los Angeles. The average latency for a super ping test was 200.5ms, and for a local ping test in Sichuan Telecom, the average latency was 226ms, with a packet loss rate of 20%. The network performance varied during multiple tests and was not particularly good.

Route Tracing

Below are screenshots of route tracing for Sichuan Telecom, Guangzhou Mobile, and Jilin Unicom. The CN2 network was not used, but all three networks are directly connected.

Sichuan Telecom

Guangzhou Mobile

Jilin Unicom


The HostHatch Los Angeles KVM package (BF Storage 750 - LAX) offers a large storage capacity, impressive I/O performance, and ample bandwidth. However, the network quality is not very good (you can use a small server for forwarding). It requires further observation over a longer period of time and is suitable for users with high-capacity storage needs.

This special offer machine has a CPU performance restriction (seems to be 10%) and cannot continuously run at full capacity, otherwise it may be suspended. Updated on March 16, 2019: HostHatch has poor stability, so I do not recommend purchasing.

HostHatch purchase link: https://hosthatch.com The Black Friday special offer package (BF Storage 750 - LAX) is currently out of stock, so if you need it, you can only purchase the regular package.
