TangStyle optimized version uses CNZZ cloud recommendation

Publish: 2014-10-15 | Modify: 2014-10-15

First, download TangStyle Optimization 1.1 and install it by going to the backend>>Appearance>>Themes>>Add>>Upload and select the TangStyle_Optimization1.1 compressed file.

One, Enable TangStyle Optimization

After successfully installing the theme, enable TangStyle Optimization. You will see the following options. Here, you need to add a piece of code recommended by CNZZ Cloud to use it. yuntui
CNZZ Cloud Recommendation

Two, Register and Enable CNZZ Cloud Recommendation

Please visit http://tui.cnzz.com/ to register and login.

Three, Get the Code

According to XiaoZ's test, TangStyle is suitable for two types of code, one is fixed image and the other is fixed text. Currently, these two types of codes are supported and you can choose any of them.

Fixed Text

1) Click on "Add New Recommendation" in the backend>>Site Type: General>>Intelligent Recommendation>>Fixed Position, and then click Next.

2) You will be asked to choose text, image, or text and image. Let's choose the text template first, and then choose a horizontal version.

3) Style settings: Note that the width is 686px, and other settings can be modified according to your preference.

4) Finally, save and get the code, and add it to the backend settings. tui2
Get the Code tui3
Fixed Text Display Effect

Fixed Image

1) Click on "Add New Recommendation" in the backend>>Site Type: General>>Intelligent Recommendation>>Fixed Position, and then click Next.

2) Choose the image template, and then choose a horizontal version.

3) Style settings: Note that the width is 686px, and other settings can be modified according to your preference.

4) Finally, save and get the code, and add it to the backend settings. cnzztuijian
Fixed Image Display Effect

If you encounter any problems during the usage, please leave a comment below. I will reply as soon as possible. My QQ: 337003006. Welcome to learn and communicate together.
