[AD] RAKsmart: "Questionnaire Survey" Gives VPS 60% Discount Code

Publish: 2019-07-30 | Modify: 2019-07-30

To understand the network requirements of customers for RAKsmart data center and continuously improve the network situation, RAKsmart data center is conducting a network user experience survey. Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in the survey and provide your views and opinions on the RAKsmart data center network. - From the RAKsmart official website.

Event Rewards

  1. VPS series 60% off discount code;
  2. Get 100 yuan off when purchasing a dedicated server;
  3. Complete the survey with supporting data, and get a free 1024M VPS for one month, limited to 20 units;
  4. Complete the survey with supporting data screenshots and reasonable suggestions, and get a free L5630 for one month, limited to 5 units.

Prize Q&A entrance: https://www.wenjuan.com/s/ZjmYFz/

Event Time

San Jose time, USA West Coast: 07/30/2019~08/31/2019

Event Rules

  1. Register as a RAKsmart member, complete the survey to receive event prizes;
  2. Event prizes will be sent to the email address provided in the survey;
  3. Each member can only participate once and receive one prize;
  4. To apply for a free server prize, the survey must be completed with supporting data and will be subject to review;
  5. If you have any questions, you can communicate with the relevant personnel (876787603), or submit a ticket or consult the online customer service;
  6. After completing the survey, the prize ticket will be sent to you within 24 hours.

RAKsmart official website: http://www.raksmart.com/
