Open Source Directory Listing Program Zdir 3.1.1 Minor Version Update

Publish: 2022-10-31 | Modify: 2022-10-31

Zdir 3 is a lightweight directory listing program developed using Golang + Vue3. It supports deployment on Linux, Docker, and Windows, and allows preview of common file types such as videos, audios, and code. It is suitable for personal or startup company file sharing and can also be used as a lightweight cloud storage.

3.1.1 Update

  • Added: Delete folders and rename folders
  • Added: Support login operation with Enter key
  • Added: View file MD5 information in file details
  • Added: Docker support for ARM64 images
  • Optimized: Improved upload file interface
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with window size of creating files on mobile devices

Update Details

Although version 3.1.0 supports file upload, delete, and rename operations, it does not support deleting and renaming folders. In version 3.1.1, "Delete Folder" and "Rename Folder" are supported, making operations more convenient.

The file details now include the ability to view file MD5 information.

Docker now supports ARM64 images. Friends with ARM devices can help test it.

The other features are not introduced one by one.

One-Click Upgrade

For Linux users who have installed Zdir version 3.0.0, you can use the following command for one-click upgrade:

# Upgrade Zdir with one click
curl -s ""|bash -s 3.1.1

Other upgrade methods can refer to the upgrade document:

Other Information
