Upload Images to ImgURL Image Hosting using ImgURL Single Page Version

Publish: 2019-04-13 | Modify: 2019-04-13

ImgURL is a picture bed program developed by xiaoz, using PHP + SQLite3. The single-page version of ImgURL is actually a pure static page of ImgURL, which does not require PHP environment support. After downloading, you can upload pictures by opening it in a browser, or you can upload the page to the site directory for access.


Download ImgURL Single-page Version

Visit master.zip to download the latest version of the ImgURL single-page version program. The directory structure you see is shown in the following figure.


You can upload pictures by directly opening index.html in a browser. By default, it uses the API provided by https://imgurl.org to upload. You can also modify static/embed.js to fill in your own ImgURL picture bed address (note that the ImgURL version needs to be greater than v2.2), as shown in the following figure.


Function Description

The single-page version of ImgURL also supports drag and drop upload and Ctrl + V paste upload, and returns links in formats such as URL/HTML/BBCode/Markdown, but does not support multi-image upload for the time being.

Advantages & Disadvantages of ImgURL Single-page Version

Advantages: It is a pure static page and does not require any dependencies. It is very easy to use.

Disadvantages: The single-page version of ImgURL relies on the ImgURL backend API, so the number of pictures uploaded daily is limited and it is unable to manage pictures. If you need to manage pictures, it is recommended to deploy the ImgURL service by yourself.
