How to Install ImgURL Image Hosting on Baota Panel

Publish: 2019-01-09 | Modify: 2019-01-09

ImgURL is an open-source and free image hosting program. After ImgURL 2.x, the requirements for the environment are higher, especially the support for the ImageMagick component. Many friends are not sure how to install this component. This article shares the process of installing ImgURL 2.x image hosting with Baota panel (including various components required by ImgURL 2.x).


  1. Baota panel is already installed.
  2. Create a website in the Baota panel backend.
  3. Download ImgURL 2.x and upload it to the root directory of the website, then unzip it.

Set Pseudo-static

If you have Apache installed with the Baota panel, you don't need to set the pseudo-static again. Just skip this step. If you are using the Nginx environment, continue reading.

Find the corresponding website, click the settings button, and go to the pseudo-static page. Add the following pseudo-static rules:

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~* \.(db3|json)$ {
  deny all;
location ~* ^/(temp|upload|imgs|data|application|static|system)/.*.(php|php5)$ {
    return 403;

Install fileinfo & imagemagick

In the Baota panel backend, go to the software management page. Find the PHP version corresponding to your website. Go to the PHP settings page and click on "Install Extension". Check "fileinfo" and "imagemagick" as shown in the screenshot below.

Install ImgURL 2.x

Baota panel already supports the other required extensions by default. The key is to install "fileinfo" and "imagemagick". After the extensions are installed, you can access your own domain to install ImgURL. If everything goes well, you will see the ImgURL installation page.

Other Notes

  • If you encounter any problems during the installation, please leave a comment for feedback or visit the 3T Official Community for feedback.
  • For more instructions on using ImgURL, please refer to the help document:
  • Open source is not easy. If you think ImgURL is good, please visit here to donate.
