About transferring blog filing to Alibaba Cloud server

Publish: 2016-04-05 | Modify: 2017-11-04

When writing this article, my blog has been completely migrated to Alibaba Cloud. I created this blog at the end of 2013, and for the past two and a half years, the blog has been wandering overseas. Today, I finally compromised and chose to use a domestic host. In the end, I had to admit that the domestic network environment is too complicated, especially with constant adjustments to the outbound routes. Despite trying various methods to optimize, I still cannot avoid being troubled by various network environments.


About the usage of blog host

  • In December 2013, the blog was created using Hengchuang host.
  • In October 2014, DigitalOcean cloud host was used.
  • In November 2015, Vultr (JP) was used.
  • In December 2015, Intelligent Parsing + Nginx reverse proxy (CDN) were used to solve network problems.
  • In April 2016, the blog was finally migrated to Alibaba Cloud.

About filing

In 2014, my other domain bsdev.cn was successfully filed with Alibaba Cloud, but at that time, the blog domain was not filed. At the end of last month, I changed the filing information and added the filing for xiaoz.me. The whole process took 6 days, and the blog was not shut down. It may be because the Sichuan Communications Administration was relatively lax in their review, or maybe I just got lucky.

If you want me to recommend a VPS for you

Then I would still recommend DigitalOcean and Vultr and other cost-effective hosts. In terms of stability and technology, I feel that they are far ahead of domestic hosts. However, due to the complexity of the network, overseas routes may be adjusted at any time.

If you plan to use Alibaba Cloud

You can use my referral link: www.xiaoz.me/url/?id=17 (completely voluntary, no obligation). Referral code: 8t7lok (enjoy a 10% discount).
