An Excellent HTML5 Development Tool: HBuilder

Publish: 2015-04-23 | Modify: 2017-06-21

Generally, when writing HTML pages, you can use notepad++ or Editplus text tools to get it done. However, using an IDE is a better choice to improve development efficiency. HTML5 is becoming popular, and choosing a handy development tool is particularly important. Recently, I discovered a good domestic HTML5 development tool called HBuilder. Yes, you heard it right, it is domestically made.

Of course, it is not limited to HTML5 development. It is also very handy for JavaScript, CSS3, and other development. It is a portable version, so you can use it after downloading. From my initial experience of using it, it left me with a good impression. Interested friends can give it a try.


Powerful syntax prompts:

  1. HTML5 syntax, HTML5+ syntax, and three major browser extension syntax are all included in HBuilder.
  2. It provides information on which browser and version each syntax can run on.
  3. Every week, new syntax added by each browser within a week is included in HBuilder.
  4. There is no more comprehensive syntax library than here, and there is no more comprehensive browser compatibility database than here.
  5. Oh, how can we forget the JS framework? Here, there is a powerful Jquery syntax prompt that will amaze you.

Official Download: HBuilder for Windows Cloud Disk Download: HBuilder for Windows Official Homepage: Click to Open
