Publish: 2023-01-07 | Modify: 2023-01-07
In web development, to make websites more dynamic, we often use some icon fonts, such as FontAwesome/IconPark, IconPark is an icon library provided by ByteDance, with over 2000 high-quality icons that can meet and cover most scenarios. This article shares the method of using IconPark in Vue3.
Copy and paste the following command to install IconPark:
npm install @icon-park/vue-next --save
If you don't care about the package size, you can register IconPark globally and use it. Configure the following code in your main.js
import {install} from '@icon-park/vue-next/es/all';
import {createApp} from 'vue';
const app = createApp({});
// Install
install(app); // use default prefix 'icon', eg: icon is People, name is icon-people.
install(app, 'i'); // use custom prefix 'i', eg: icon is People, name is i-people.
Open the official website of IconPark:
Find the icon you want to use, such as config
Then in your component (in the template), use:
I personally don't recommend global registration because you don't need many icons, which will result in a very large package size. The official provides a method of importing on demand, using the babel-plugin-import
plugin, but I didn't succeed, I don't know how to configure this plugin. Or maybe Vue 3 using Vite bundler cannot use the babel-plugin-import
plugin? If anyone knows, please enlighten me.
So I can only use the stupid method of importing the icons I need. First, import the default IconPark styles in main.js
import '@icon-park/vue-next/styles/index.css';
Then import the icons you need in your component, for example:
import {
ListNumbers as iconListNumbers,
Warehousing as iconWarehousing,
CodeComputer as iconCodeComputer,
EthernetOn as iconEthernetOn,
LinkThree as iconLinkThree,
FolderOpen as iconFolderOpen
} from '@icon-park/vue-next';
Here I added a common alias prefix icon
to avoid conflicts with my own components (it is recommended to add an alias prefix to use). In the template
, you only need to call:
Of course, you can also add color, size, and other properties, for example:
<icon-folder-open theme="outline" size="24" fill="#f5a623" strokeLinejoin="bevel"></icon-folder-open>
. When manually importing, use camel case naming convention, and the first letter of the import is capitalized, for example: import Config from '@icon-park/vue-next'
, then when importing, it should be DislikeTwo
dashIconPark official website: This article refers to:
I come from China and I am a freelancer. I specialize in Linux operations, PHP, Golang, and front-end development. I have developed open-source projects such as Zdir, ImgURL, CCAA, and OneNav.