Bandwagon Cheap VPS Hosting/CN2 Network with Reviews

Publish: 2018-04-09 | Modify: 2018-10-18

"Bandwagon" sounds a bit like "Banwagong", so it got this nickname. Banwagong VPS has always attracted many users with its cheap and stable service, and it is regarded as a "family heirloom" by many netizens. Last year, Banwagong launched the KVM VPS series, which had a slight price increase, but the cost-effectiveness is still high. I couldn't resist and bought another one to see how it performs.


Configuration (may be out of stock)

  • Memory: 512M
  • Hard disk: 10G SSD
  • Traffic: 500G
  • Price: $29.99/year

Ping test

Ping test to Sichuan Telecom, the average delay is about 180ms. I tested it during the day and there was no packet loss. It may be slightly affected during peak hours.


Ping test to Sichuan Telecom


Return ping test


Super ping test

Routing trace

When querying the routing nodes for outbound travel, it goes through the CN2 network. When querying the routing nodes for return travel using the IP address "", it is also through the CN2 network. I'm not sure if it's accurate. See the screenshots below.



I/O and download test

The average I/O is around 600MB/s, which is pretty good. Judging from the maximum download speed, the VPS should have a shared 1000Mbps outbound connection. However, due to local network restrictions and network latency, you definitely can't achieve such high speeds.



Banwagong understands the needs of Chinese users. Some systems have already built-in Google BBR, making it convenient for setting up $$ services. But this may be too eye-catching, so their official website and IP ranges have been blocked by the GFW. Considering its stability and price, it is worth buying for testing, setting up a CDN, $$, and other tools.

Purchase link: Discount code: BWH1ZBPVK (6% off)
