Gratitude Feedback: Old Users Can Get Free Qiniu Cloud Storage Red Envelope

Publish: 2015-04-21 | Modify: 2017-08-07

Qiniu Cloud Storage provides enterprise with high-speed, stable and secure cloud storage platform for unstructured static files such as image, audio and video. Many webmasters, including Xiaoz Blog, are using Qiniu Cloud's services.

Previously, Qiniu's policy has been relatively lenient. However, in order to manage more effectively, users need to be certified in order to enjoy 10GB of free space and traffic. Without certification, users only have 1GB of space and traffic. But certification is not difficult. In short, Xiaoz highly recommends webmasters to use Qiniu Cloud. The acceleration effect is indeed remarkable. Without further ado, let's get to the point.

Qiniu launches a series of activities almost every once in a while. This time, Qiniu has launched a "Happy Draw for Red Envelopes" activity. If you are an old user who registered before October 2014, you can check it out. Generally, you will draw a 30 yuan red envelope coupon for the first time, and the amount will decrease for subsequent draws. Let's take a look at the detailed rules.



  1. All users who registered with Qiniu before October 2014 can participate in this activity.
  2. You can enjoy the discount multiple times and receive up to 10,000 yuan of coupon. The received coupon will be directly recharged to your coupon account. The validity period is 1 year.
  3. All old users who participate in the special offer for old users will receive a set of customized version of the "Niu Xiaoqi" hand puppet.

Activity link: Click here to draw a red envelope

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