WordPress Plugin: Advanced Version of WeChat Robot

Publish: 2015-06-25 | Modify: 2017-06-21

WeChat Robot Advanced Plugin

The WeChat Robot Advanced Plugin is a WordPress plugin developed by "I Love Shuizuyu". It allows you to connect your WeChat official account with your WordPress blog, search for matching blog posts based on user messages, and automatically reply to users. This plugin makes it easier for you to use WeChat for marketing purposes.

1. Obtaining Authorization Code

To obtain the free authorization code, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the "Weiguo Jiang" official account. weiguo

  2. Send a message with your domain name, for example, "Domain: www.xiaoz.me".

  3. There are 200 free authorization codes available daily, with a limit of 2 codes per user per day.

2. Downloading and Installing the Plugin

You can download the plugin from the official WordPress website here. If you have trouble accessing the link due to the Great Firewall, you can download it directly here or use the alternative link from Baidu Netdisk here.

For instructions on how to install a plugin on WordPress, refer to this guide.

3. Getting Started

Once the plugin is activated, follow the instructions provided by the author in the user manual to configure the plugin. After that, you can start using it. Please note that unverified WeChat subscription accounts cannot customize menus using the development mode.

You can also follow the official "Xiaoz Blog" WeChat account and directly send the content you want to search for. The system will automatically reply with relevant articles, allowing you to experience the advanced features of the WeChat Robot plugin.

xiaozblog_wechat Xiaoz Blog WeChat Account

xiaozblog WeChat Robot Advanced Plugin in action

Note: The authorization codes for subdomains and main domains are different. Therefore, the authorization for a domain with "www" and without "www" will be different. Some content is sourced from here.
