Free and Clean DNS - [BAI DNS] First Experience

Publish: 2017-07-24 | Modify: 2018-03-11

BAI DNS is a public DNS service provided by my friend @Ponyxx. It has been running stably for more than half a year. Public DNS services are already very common. However, in the article "Collection and Summary of Common Public DNS Servers", most of the common DNS services are listed. So why introduce BAI DNS? Let me explain.



BAI DNS uses Alibaba Cloud BGP servers, with an average response time of about 30ms. Therefore, if you are in China, the speed of DNS resolution is very fast.

Response Time

Support for EDNS Intelligent Resolution

Here comes the key question, what is EDNS? When the intelligent resolution server receives a domain name query request from the client DNS server, it will intelligently determine whether the client DNS server belongs to the China Telecom network or China Unicom network, and return the corresponding IP address. This ensures that a domain name can be resolved to a China Telecom IP for China Telecom users, and to a China Unicom IP for China Unicom users. Yes, BAI DNS supports EDNS resolution.


BAI DNS is a personal maintenance project by @Ponyxx. Its appearance provides another choice for public DNS services. BAI DNS is free from pollution and hijacking, and it is worth a try. Here is the method to set it up on Windows: Windows Configuration Guide

BAI DNS Homepage:

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