Add loading image function to flow.lazyimg modification

Publish: 2018-04-26 | Modify: 2018-09-11

Default lazy loading cannot display placeholder images, which feels strange. Some people in the community say to delete
but after testing, it reported a large number of errors.

After repeated testing, changing
&& e.attr("lay-src")
can solve the problem.
Demo address:
Complete code (file path: /lay/modules/flow.js)
/** layui-v2.2.6 MIT License By */
function(e) {
"use strict";
var l = layui.$,
o = function(e) {},
t = '<i class="layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop layui-icon "></i>';
o.prototype.load = function(e) {
var o, i, n, r, a = this,
c = 0;
e = e || {};
var f = l(e.elem);
if (f[0]) {
var m = l(e.scrollElem || document),
u = e.mb || 50,
s = !("isAuto" in e) || e.isAuto,
v = e.end || "No more",
y = e.scrollElem && e.scrollElem !== document,
d = '<cite>Load more</cite>';
h = l('<div class="layui-flow-more"><a href="javascript:;">' + d + '</a></div>');
f.find(".layui-flow-more")[0] || f.append(h);
var p = function(e, t) {
e = l(e),
t = 0 == t || null,
t ? h.html(v) : h.find("a").html(d),
i = t,
o = null,
n && n()
g = function() {
o = !0,
"function" == typeof e.done && e.done(++c, p)
if (g(), h.find("a").on("click",
function() {
i || o || g()
}), e.isLazyimg) var n = a.lazyimg({
elem: e.elem + " img",
scrollElem: e.scrollElem
return s ? (m.on("scroll",
function() {
var e = l(this),
t = e.scrollTop();
r && clearTimeout(r),
i || (r = setTimeout(function() {
var i = y ? e.height() : l(window).height(),
n = y ? e.prop("scrollHeight") : document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
n - t - i <= u && (o || g())
}), a) : a
o.prototype.lazyimg = function(e) {
var o, t = this,
i = 0;
e = e || {};
var n = l(e.scrollElem || document),
r = e.elem || "img",
a = e.scrollElem && e.scrollElem !== document,
c = function(e, l) {
var o = n.scrollTop(),
r = o + l,
c = a ?
function() {
return e.offset().top - n.offset().top + o
} () : e.offset().top;
if (c >= o && c <= r && e.attr("lay-src")) {
var m = e.attr("lay-src");
function() {
var l = t.lazyimg.elem.eq(i);
e.attr("src", m).removeAttr("lay-src")
, l[0] && f(l)
f = function(e, o) {
var f = a ? (o || n).height() : l(window).height(),
m = n.scrollTop(),
u = m + f;
if (t.lazyimg.elem = l(r), e) c(e, f);
else for (var s = 0; s < t.lazyimg.elem.length; s++) {
var v = t.lazyimg.elem.eq(s),
y = a ?
function() {
return v.offset().top - n.offset().top + m
} () : v.offset().top;
if (c(v, f), i = s, y > u) break
if (f(), !o) {
var m;
function() {
var e = l(this);
m && clearTimeout(m),
m = setTimeout(function() {
f(null, e)
o = !0
return f
e("flow", new o)

Original article from: Lazy loading of images with modified flow.lazyimg , the final interpretation right belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact QQ:337003006 for deletion.
