Le Chat Mistral: A User-Friendly AI Chat Tool from France

Publish: 2024-02-29 | Modify: 2024-03-01

Le Chat Mistral is a conversational AI model developed by Mistral AI, capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on user input. The model is designed for various tasks, including answering questions, providing information, creating text, and language translation.


About Mistral AI

Mistral AI is a French company selling AI products, founded by former employees of Meta Platforms and Google DeepMind in April 2023. In October 2023, the company raised €385 million, reaching a valuation of over $2 billion in December 2023.

Using Le Chat Mistral

Le Chat Mistral, an AI conversational tool by Mistral AI, serves as an alternative to ChatGPT with a lower entry barrier. Users in mainland China can register directly.

Registering for Mistral AI Account

Visit https://auth.mistral.ai/ui/registration to register using Google, Microsoft, or email. Enter the email verification code and continue.


Click "Continue" after inputting the account/password.


Enter the workspace name, then click "Create Workspace."


Visit Le Chat Mistral at https://chat.mistral.ai/ to start chatting.


Switch models on the top right, defaulting to "Large" for optimal performance.


Mistral AI claims superiority to GPT-3.5 but slightly inferior to GPT-4. Users can explore the effectiveness themselves.


Le Chat Mistral supports Chinese in conversations, occasionally responding in English, similar to occasional behavior observed in ChatGPT.

Using Mistral AI API

For developers interested in building their AI tools, Mistral AI provides an API. Subscribe and set up billing information at https://console.mistral.ai/billing/subscribe/.


Refer to the official documentation at https://docs.mistral.ai/ for developers.


Le Chat Mistral is accessible on mainland Chinese networks, offering an alternative to ChatGPT. Mistral AI provides API access; interested developers can subscribe and explore.

Mistral AI official website: https://mistral.ai/

Join the OpenAI/ChatGPT Telegram group: https://t.me/+L0g2D-hecQM4ODVl
