Wild Grass Cloud 2023 New Year Promotion: Hong Kong Cloud Servers starting from 138 RMB/year

Publish: 2023-01-06 | Modify: 2023-08-10

Wild Grass Cloud, established in 2012, is affiliated with LucidaCloud Limited in Hong Kong and has been in operation for over 10 years. Recently, I received a promotional email from Wild Grass Cloud and found that the discount is quite good, so I forwarded it to my blog for those who may be interested.


Although Wild Grass Cloud has been in operation for over 10 years, its online reputation is mixed. I have used it before, but did not renew after the expiration. I recommend using it for learning, testing, network relay, CDN deployment, and other purposes, but I do not recommend storing important data.

Promotional Packages

Purchase link: https://www.yecaoyun.com/

Open the purchase link and select "Promotions" in the homepage navigation bar to see the Wild Grass Cloud 2023 New Year promotion. The prices are quite affordable, as shown in the following image:

Test Information

The official test IP provided is: You can test it yourself.

Purchase link: https://www.yecaoyun.com/
