Aliyun Entrepreneurship Program Application Guide: Get a Minimum of 3500 Yuan Cloud Deduction Upon Approval

Publish: 2024-02-04 | Modify: 2024-02-04

Recently, a friend in the Xiaoz Blog Fans Group shared the Alibaba Cloud Entrepreneurship Program. The program offers a minimum of 3500 yuan in cloud credit. Xiaoz decided to apply and unexpectedly got approved, receiving 3500 yuan in cloud credit. With this credit, Xiaoz purchased a 4-year Alibaba Cloud Lightweight Server. Thanks to the friend for sharing the information and thanks to Alibaba Cloud for providing the service. If you're interested, you can give it a try.


Applying for the Alibaba Cloud Entrepreneurship Program


  • If your company is registered in China and is a non-listed startup, and meets the customer qualifications for credit application, you will be eligible to join the Entrepreneurship Program. Customers who successfully join the program will receive at least 3500 yuan in cloud credit.
  • Customer qualifications for credit application: new users who have not made any payments to Alibaba Cloud. The credit will be issued after the application is approved, with an estimated review time of 10 working days.

To apply for the Alibaba Cloud Entrepreneurship Program, you need company qualifications (sole proprietorships are also eligible). Open the link:, and switch to "Startup Support".


Continue by clicking "Apply for Support Credit".


Fill out the form according to your actual situation, and then submit.


After the approval, Xiaoz didn't receive any messages or emails. Only after logging into the backend did Xiaoz discover that the application had been approved and "3500 yuan in credit" had been issued. It took less than 5 working days, but it could take up to 10 working days.


Purchasing Lightweight Servers

The credit is valid for only 3 months, so we need to use it up within this period, otherwise it will expire. Xiaoz chose to purchase a 2C4G Lightweight Cloud Server.

Alibaba Cloud Lightweight Server purchase link:

When purchasing, there are some tricks. The longer the subscription period, the cheaper the price. So Xiaoz chose a 3-year subscription, and the price after the credit was applied was 0 yuan.


After placing the order, find your Lightweight Server and click "Renew" within the allowed time, making sure the cost is 0 before proceeding with the renewal.


You can continue this cycle until the credit balance is used up.

Note: The credit cannot be used for promotional servers (e.g., the 99 yuan/year server). You need to purchase regular, non-promotional products. If you don't need a server, you can also purchase other Alibaba Cloud products.


The Alibaba Cloud Entrepreneurship Program provides great support for startups, helping truly needy startups. However, the program requires the company to be a new user of Alibaba Cloud and have not made any payments to Alibaba Cloud. The given credit is valid for only 3 months and can only be used to purchase regular products, not promotional products.

Apply for the Alibaba Cloud Entrepreneurship Program: (Switch to "Startup Support")
