XZ Pic updated to 1.3, added support for SM.MS image hosting

Publish: 2017-08-12 | Modify: 2017-08-12

XZ Pic is a simple image hosting program developed by Little Z's blog. After more than half a year, XZ Pic has been updated again, from version 1.1 to 1.3. Don't ask me why there is no version 1.2, because I made a mistake when pushing to Github, so let's continue with this mistake. The version number is just for convenience, so it doesn't really matter.

XZ Pic 1.3 Update Notes

  • Optimized the prompt function
  • Added support for SM.MS image hosting
  • Added the ability to delete local images

SM.MS Image Hosting

The new version adds support for SM.MS image hosting. SM.MS provides a very simple API, so users can use it without any configuration. You can select SM.MS image hosting on the XZ Pic homepage or directly visit http://xxx.com/sm.html.

SM.MS Image Hosting

Delete Local Images

In XZ Pic 1.3, you can now delete local images (deleting Qiniu interface images is not supported for now). First, open the file del.php and configure your own key (do not disclose it to others), as shown in the screenshot below.

Delete Local Images

Delete Method http://xxx.com/del.php?key=YourKey&path=YourImagePath
Image URL https://i.bk.tn/uploads/1708/120219247139.png
Delete This Image https://i.bk.tn/del.php?key=xxxxx&path=1708/120219247139.png

Other Notes

Before you start using it, please refer to the "Minimalist Image Hosting XZ Pic 1.1 Update, Supports Uploading to Qiniu" for configuration. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or add my QQ: 337003006.

Source code: XZ Pic Source Code Download: XZ Pic Download Demo: Little Z's Image Hosting
