Manage Your Servers in the Browser with Next Terminal

Publish: 2021-01-29 | Modify: 2021-01-29

Next Terminal is a HTML5 remote desktop gateway developed using Golang and React. It is known for its small size, easy installation, ease of use, and low resource consumption. It supports connections and management of RDP, SSH, VNC, and Telnet protocols.

Next Terminal


  • Credential management
  • Asset management (supports RDP, SSH, VNC, Telnet protocols)
  • Command management
  • Execute commands in bulk
  • Online session management (monitoring, forced disconnect)
  • Offline session management (view recording)
  • Two-factor authentication (thanks to naiba)
  • Asset tagging
  • Asset authorization
  • User grouping

Installing Next Terminal

To facilitate demonstration, Next Terminal can be installed using Docker. Simply execute the following command:

# Install Next Terminal with Docker
docker run -d \
  -p 8088:8088 \
  --name next-terminal \
  --restart always dushixiang/next-terminal:latest

After installation, access IP:8088 with the username admin and password admin. You can modify them in the backend after logging in.

User Experience

Next Terminal allows easy connection to servers directly from the browser without the need to install additional client tools on each computer. It also supports simple user permission control, meeting the needs of teams. Interested users can install and experience it themselves.


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4


Although Next Terminal supports two-factor authentication, using Next Terminal means adding another entry point to the server, which increases potential risks. It is recommended to enable two-factor authentication and avoid exposing Next Terminal to the public network as much as possible to prevent security issues.
