CloudCone US VPS Black Friday Sale: Starting at $14.2/year

Publish: 2021-10-22 | Modify: 2021-10-22

CloudCone often has various promotions, and the control panel is well-designed. The machines are characterized by their affordability, but overselling is quite common, resulting in poor performance and slightly insufficient stability. Currently, Xiaoz owns three CloudCone machines and suggests that they can be purchased during promotions such as Black Friday, for testing projects or for playing around. However, it is not recommended for important production projects.


Official Website

Purchase Information

You need to top up your account balance before making a purchase. Payment methods such as credit card, PayPal, and Alipay are supported.

Memory CPU Storage Bandwidth Price Purchase
1G 1 core 35G 2T/month $14.2/year Link
2G 2 cores 70G 4T/month $23.8/year Link
3G 2 cores 90G 4T/month $40.8/year Link
4G 3 cores 200G 6T/month $47.5/year Link
8G 4 cores 400G 8T/month $95.2/year Link

Testing Information
