小Z's Blog Now Fully Utilizes HTTPS

Publish: 2016-01-02 | Modify: 2017-06-21

Back in September, Xiao Z's blog already started using HTTPS support (Xiao Z's Blog Enables HTTPS Support, Welcome to Test). However, at that time, it was not enabled for the entire site, and it could still be accessed via HTTP. After several months of testing and consideration, it has now been decided to enable HTTPS for the entire site. This is done for two reasons: to show off and for increased security.


1. Challenges Encountered

Enabling HTTPS for the entire site poses compatibility issues. Previously, the blog used intelligent parsing + Nginx reverse proxy architecture, but it was found that the HTTPS on the CDN nodes always had problems. After weighing the options, this architecture was temporarily abandoned.

In addition, the blog has been using Qiniu Cloud Storage to host static resources. Although Qiniu supports HTTPS, web fonts (.ttf .woff) were displaying garbled characters. Unfortunately, the site couldn't be fully migrated to HTTPS. However, after communicating with Qiniu customer service, SSL was successfully deployed for the domain name (https://pic.bsdev.cn) I bound to Qiniu. This resolved the issue of garbled characters in web fonts.

It seems that most domestic sharing buttons do not support HTTPS. In the end, I had to remove the sharing buttons, leaving only one button rewritten using Weibo's official code.

2. Next Steps

With the search engines' emphasis on HTTPS and security considerations, HTTPS is becoming a necessity (although I'm doing it to show off). In addition, the blog has been tested on PHP7, and there are still some compatibility issues. However, these are currently being debugged, and it is expected that the blog will soon be deployed on PHP7, which should significantly improve performance. Stay tuned, and thank you for your support along the way. Happy New Year to all!
