Baidu Sitemap Generator Plugin May Cause Blank WordPress Posts

Publish: 2015-06-17 | Modify: 2017-06-21

A few days ago, I upgraded WordPress to version 4.2 and encountered a blank page when trying to publish an article. The /wp-admin/post.php page did not provide any information. I searched online and found that many people said it was caused by the Baidu Sitemap Submit plugin. However, even after deactivating this plugin, the blank page still appeared when publishing an article.

To troubleshoot, I enabled debug mode by modifying wp-config.php and found some error messages. The error message was: "Notice: Since version 2.0, it is not recommended to pass a parameter to has_cap! The use of user levels in plugins and themes is no longer supported. Please use roles and capabilities instead. in D:\wwwroot\hellyhua\wwwroot\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3006". Based on this, I suspected that there might be a conflict between WordPress 4.2 and one of the plugins I was using.

I proceeded to deactivate plugins one by one, and when I deactivated the Baidu Sitemap Generator plugin, the error message disappeared. I then tried to publish a new article, and it was successful without any blank page. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a compatibility issue between the Baidu Sitemap Generator plugin and WordPress 4.2. If you have updated to the latest version of WordPress 4.2 and are using this plugin, I recommend deactivating it to avoid encountering the blank page issue when publishing articles.

The latest version of the Baidu Sitemap Generator plugin is 1.5, and it is developed by Liu Cheng. Its purpose is to generate an XML format site map. This plugin has not been updated in a timely manner according to the WordPress version, which is why this issue occurred. It should not occur in WordPress versions below 4.2.
