The Process of Applying for a Free DV SSL Certificate at

Publish: 2017-03-09 | Modify: 2017-06-21

Currently, Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, and UPYun have launched free SSL certificate products. has also followed suit and now offers free SSL certificates. HTTPS is becoming more and more popular and widely used.


Creating an Order

If you don't have a account yet, please go to to register and complete the relevant authentication. Then, open the SSL certificate application address:, select TrustAsia - Domain Type (DV) - and proceed with the 0 yuan purchase, and complete the order payment.


Completing the Certificate

After the order is completed, you can find the order in the website backend business management - other projects - SSL certificate service - and complete the certificate.


Submitting for Review

Next, fill in the domain name and other information, try to fill in the real information to avoid affecting the review. Choose DNS or file verification for submission, and wait for the next step.

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Verifying the Domain

If you choose DNS verification, you will be required to do CNAME record resolution. Detailed verification instructions can be found in the official documentation: Domain Ownership Verification Tutorial


For domains registered with, the resolution will be automatically completed for you. For domains, you can add the resolution as required. The process usually takes several minutes to several tens of minutes. If it doesn't pass for a long time, it is recommended to submit a ticket for consultation. After the certificate is successfully issued, select the corresponding WEB type for download.


Other Notes

  • When applying, whether or not you fill in "www", you will be issued certificates for both "" and "". If you need more subdomains, you need to apply multiple times.
  • For file verification, please check if the path is correct, and make sure to return a 200 status (301 redirects and other actions may affect the review).


The process of applying for a free DV SSL certificate from is relatively simple. The only thing to note is to avoid errors during the verification process. If you are not sure how to deploy HTTPS, you can refer to: "How to Deploy SSL Certificate on Nginx". In addition, there are CDN providers in China that support free HTTPS, such as "VeryCloud CDN supports HTTPS and provides free 50GB traffic".
