Free 1 Month of Tencent Cloud Server and Free CDN

Publish: 2017-03-18 | Modify: 2017-06-21

I've always wanted to try Tencent Cloud server, but the previous free trial had quota restrictions and I never got to apply. Recently, I saw an ad on the official website that allows me to get a one-month free trial easily. You guys can give it a try.

30 days free trial

This time, the free trial includes many products, including CDN, where you can get 50GB of traffic (for 6 months) and an additional 10GB per month after the trial period. By the way, Tencent Cloud's CDN now supports self-deployed SSL certificates. You can visit to test it.

CDN SSL certificate

To participate in the event, you may need to complete real-name authentication and such. Visit the event page at [免费体验馆 - 腾讯云]( for more information.
