What daily tasks should beginners do for SEO?

Publish: 2016-12-08 | Modify: 2016-12-08

A Day's Work for Beginner SEO


  1. Check website indexing and rankings: Monitoring the number of pages indexed by search engines and the website's rankings is crucial for SEO. A high number of indexed pages and stable rankings are indicators of success, while a significant drop in either can be a cause for concern.

  2. Website updates: Consistently producing fresh content is essential for SEO. This includes adding new pages, expanding keyword coverage, and improving overall website quality. Regularly updating the website helps attract search engine crawlers and improves the chances of higher rankings.

  3. Analyze website traffic and its sources: Monitoring website traffic provides insights into the effectiveness of SEO efforts. Analyzing the sources of traffic helps identify which keywords are driving the most traffic and which ones need further optimization. Additionally, analyzing the geographical distribution of visitors can provide valuable information for targeting specific demographics.

  4. Build external links: While the importance of external links has decreased over time, they still play a role in search engine rankings. Building a moderate number of high-quality external links can positively impact a website's visibility. Strategies for acquiring external links will be discussed in future articles.

  5. Manage reciprocal links: Reciprocal links can be valuable for transferring link authority. It is important to regularly review and maintain the quality of reciprocal links. This includes checking for broken links and ensuring that the linked websites are still relevant and reputable. Inappropriate or penalized reciprocal links can negatively impact a website's ranking.

  6. Analyze website logs: Analyzing website logs using appropriate tools provides insights into which pages have been crawled by search engine spiders and how frequently. The more frequent the crawling, the more search engine spiders favor the website. This information can be used to prioritize optimization efforts for specific sections of the website.

  7. Continuously learn SEO knowledge: Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques is crucial for success in SEO. Continuous learning is essential to keep pace with the fast-changing landscape of the internet and avoid falling behind. SEO is a field where learning never stops, especially for beginners.

Dongming is an SEO mentor for the SEO section of Xiaoz's blog. You can contact him via WeChat at wx5785370 or join the SEO discussion group at 68973910.
