WGestures: Global Mouse Gestures for Windows

Publish: 2017-11-19 | Modify: 2017-11-19

Most domestic browsers have built-in mouse gesture plugins, and Chrome or Firefox can also install mouse gesture extensions through the store. Making good use of mouse gestures can effectively improve efficiency. However, browser plugins can only use mouse gestures within the browser, but with WGestures, you can freely use mouse gestures in any software.


Features and Highlights

  • WGestures includes a large number of preset gestures.
  • Anytime, anywhere, a gesture can search selected text.
  • Gesture name prompt: The gesture name is displayed on the screen in real time, eliminating misoperations.
  • "Friction edges" allow you to perform routine operations, such as lock screen or shutdown, by rubbing the screen edge with the mouse.

Known Issues

After enabling WGestures' global mouse gesture, you can use it in any software without installing any plugins or extensions. However, it has been found that some inexplicable problems occur when playing games, even if the game is added to the blacklist. It is recommended to exit this software when playing games.


The trigger corner and friction edge functions are prone to misoperations for beginners. If you are not particularly accustomed to them, you can disable this function and keep only the mouse gestures.


Memory Usage

There is also a concern about memory usage. From observation, WGestures has very low resource usage, only about 10MB, which is more than enough for small memory machines.



Since using WGestures, I have completely abandoned browser mouse gestures. Compared to browser gestures, WGestures is more convenient. At first, I didn't want to accept mouse gestures, but once I got used to it, I couldn't let go. If you haven't tried the convenience brought by mouse gestures, you should give WGestures a try. It will definitely give you a refreshing experience.

Official website: WGestures鼠标手势 Software library download: Install WGestures
