Bird Brother's Linux Private Kitchen Basics-Third Edition (PDF Version)

Publish: 2015-10-08 | Modify: 2017-06-21

Bird Brother's Linux Private Kitchen provides detailed and easy-to-understand explanations, making it very suitable for beginners to learn the Linux operating system. The latest edition is the fourth edition, which can be purchased on JD and Amazon. If you don't want to buy a physical copy, you can download the PDF version to read. Personally, I am also using the electronic version of Bird Brother's Linux Private Kitchen for learning. The scanning quality is also good. Readers who need it can download it.


"Bird Brother's Linux Private Kitchen: Basic Learning" comprehensively and detailedly introduces the Linux operating system. The book is divided into five parts: the first part focuses on the origin and functions of Linux, how to plan and install Linux hosts; the second part introduces the management of Linux file systems, files, directories, and disks; the third part introduces the text mode interface shell and the good helper shell script for system management, as well as the usage of the text editors vi and vim; the fourth part introduces the management of Linux accounts, which is very important for system security, as well as the management of host systems and programs, such as viewing processes, task allocation, and job management; the fifth part introduces the management matters of the system administrator (root), such as understanding the system's running status, system services, analyzing login files, backing up the system, and core management, etc.

Download Link: Bird Brother's Linux Private Kitchen: Basic Learning (Third Edition) [Password: 0jva]
