Do you know about temporary email that lasts only 10 minutes?

Publish: 2015-04-15 | Modify: 2015-04-15

Some websites require us to provide a valid email address to receive verification codes when registering. However, to avoid unnecessary spam emails, we do not want to disclose our commonly used email addresses. This is where 10-minute mail comes in handy. 10-minute mail is especially suitable for websites that require invitation registration and email verification to receive small gifts. Here are some commonly used 10-minute mail services that I have collected to help you.

1. 10 Minute Mail

10minutemail is a simple and clean page that supports Chinese display. When you enter 10minutemail, you will be assigned a temporary email address by the system, and the valid time of the current email address will be displayed below the address. Click "Give me 10 more minutes" to extend the valid time of the current email address to 10 minutes. Click here to open


2. 10分钟邮箱 is a free email service with a unique feature of only lasting for 10 minutes. The time can be extended during this period, but once it expires, you cannot access it anymore. You may wonder why you always receive spam emails shortly after using an email address. There are many reasons, and one of them is that the email address may have been sold by the website administrator. You will never know if the website you are about to register on will sell your email address or where your email address will be made public. This is where a 10-minute email address is the best solution to your problem. Click here to open


3. YOPmail

YOPmail provides temporary webmail (also known as disposable email) services, allowing you to view emails with the domain anonymously. YOPmail cannot be used to send spam emails. YOPmail helps you keep spam emails out of your inbox. Click here to open


The above recommended 10-minute mail services support Chinese pages, so there will be no difficulties in using them. Of course, 10-minute mail has many more features than just what was mentioned above. If the above options still do not meet your needs, you can search online to find more 10-minute mail services.
