Free GeoTrust DV SSL Certificate Application on Tencent Cloud

Publish: 2016-07-22 | Modify: 2017-06-21

Applying for SSL Certificate

Recently, Tencent Cloud has added a SSL certificate management feature in its backend. It is now possible to apply for a free GeoTrust DV SSL certificate. DV SSL certificates (Domain Validation SSL) verify the ownership of the domain, ensuring secure data transmission between clients and websites, preventing illegal data theft, and ensuring the security and integrity of transactions. The certificates are issued by the GeoTrust certification authority (CA) through AsiaInfo.

1. Applying for the Certificate

Open the following link: and log in to your account. Follow the instructions provided in the screenshots below to apply for the certificate.




2. Domain Validation

You can choose either DNS or email validation. Select the method that is more convenient for you. In this case, we will choose email validation, as shown in the screenshot below.



Wait for a while, and a confirmation link will be sent to your administrator email. Please check your email and click the link to confirm.


3. Downloading the Certificate

In most cases, you will receive an email and SMS notification from Tencent, informing you that your certificate has been approved. Download the certificate and save it locally or refer to Tencent's documentation for certificate installation instructions: Certificate Installation Guide.

4. Conclusion

Currently, there are more and more vendors offering free SSL certificates, such as Let's Encrypt, StartSSL, and WoSign Free SSL in China. HTTPS has become a popular trend. If your website is not using SSL yet, apply for one now.

Note: This translation has been done assuming the original text is in HTML format.
