Open Source Image Hosting ImgURL v2.3 Released

Publish: 2019-06-06 | Modify: 2019-06-06

ImgURL is an open source image hosting program developed by xiaoz. It is easy to install and powerful, supporting functions such as image cropping, compression, and automatic pornographic content detection. It is simple to deploy and manage, making it very suitable for personal image hosting.

v2.3 Update

  1. API supports base64 encoding upload
  2. Supports .webp upload
  3. Added IIS rewrite rules
  4. SEO optimization
  5. Optimized exploration and discovery, displaying up to 160 images
  6. Optimized image management, supporting filtering images by ID/ImgID/IP/time, and supporting select all operation
  7. Fixed the issue where some users couldn't log in after enabling CDN
  8. Added image deletion link

ImgURL Features

  • Drag and drop upload, multi-image upload, Ctrl + V paste upload, URL upload
  • Image cropping, automatically generate thumbnails
  • Limit guest upload quantity
  • Image compression/batch compression
  • Image pornographic content detection/batch detection
  • API support

ImgURL Upgrade

Before upgrading, please make a backup and refer to the documentation: for the upgrade process.

v2.3 Update Details

Starting from v2.3, an image deletion link is added. After users upload an image and need to delete it, they only need to record the deletion link, which will only appear once.

The backend image management supports filtering images by ID/ImgID/IP/time, and a select all button is added at the bottom of the images, making image management more convenient.

Online Experience

Installing ImgURL

Other Information

ImgURL communication group 341195621 is also available this time. Feel free to join and discuss. Open source is not easy. If you think ImgURL is great, please scan the QR code below to donate.
