WestFast Script Installation

Publish: 2018-09-07 | Modify: 2018-09-07

Visit Chrome Store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo to install and enable Tampermonkey.

Click on the Tampermonkey icon - Add new script.

Copy the script below and paste it into the current window (overwrite the existing content), then save it with Ctrl + S.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WestFast
// @namespace    https://blog.xiaoz.org/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Enhance efficiency
// @author       xiaoz
// @match        https://www888.west.cn/SetInManager/question/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var westfast = '<div style = "background-color:#F0F0F0;padding:1em;">';
    westfast += '<strong>WestFast :</strong> <a href="https://www888.west.cn/SetInManager/admin/upwhitelist.asp" target = "_blank">Black and white list</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://www888.west.cn/SetInManager/icpmanager/westicpcheck.asp" target = "_blank">Record check</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://whois.west.cn/" target = "_blank">Whois search</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://west.ttt.sh/index/cloud" target = "_blank">Cloud host work order</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://west.ttt.sh/index/vhost" target = "_blank">Virtual host work order</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://west.ttt.sh/index/toolkit" target = "_blank">WEB tools</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://west.ttt.sh/index/dnsquery" target = "_blank">Internal resolution query</a> | ';
    westfast += '[Official] <a href="https://www888.west.cn/SetInManager/cdndomain/default.asp" target = "_blank">Internal resolution query</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://west.ttt.sh/index/hkvhost" target = "_blank">Hong Kong and Taiwan nodes</a> | ';
    westfast += '<a href="https://ip.awk.sh/" target = "_blank">IP query</a>';
    westfast += '</div>';

Finally, open the work order to view.
